The 'Queer As Folk' fan site
Links to 'Queer As Folk' sites

Queer as Folk Television Special

Comprehensive coverage of the UK and american versions of Queer as Folk.

Queer As Folk - A Canadian Dedication site

A QAF site dedicated to this fantastic series - includes news and help on playing the DVD outside of the UK.

Manchester- The Dregs Of Humanity
C.H.A.P - Charlie Hunnam Appreciation Page

This site is dedicated to Charlie Hunnam. The only site dedicated, to him on the web, as far as I know!

'Queer as Folk' Yahoo! Group

This Yahoo 'Queer as Folk' Group offers you the chance to talk to fellow 'Queer as Folk' fans. This Yahoo Group is run by Gordon Valentine.

Channel 4

Channel 4 website which the programme was first shown on.


This page was revised 15 March 2006